Offering Top of the Line Investigative Services
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Keefe, Campbell, Biery & Associates starts with quality, taking to heart the needs of the client first. We have built our reputation on being the very best in the industry.
That reputation continues today, and will carry on far into the future. The clients of KCBA know that excellence is in the very foundation of the business. If you, the valued client, are not getting the highest level of service to meet your needs, contact us using the form on the contact page.
Keefe, Campbell, Biery & Associates presents a clear choice to clients that need defense lawyers. We have a trial practice that encompasses the defense of both judicial and administrative claims before the trial and appellate courts and bodies such as the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission, Illinois Department of Human Rights and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
As defense attorneys, our goal is to provide our clients with a prompt initial review in a effort to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of the case. We understand that investigation and protracted discovery is costly and time consuming.
We believe that by providing an initial evaluation quickly, we can assure clients can make informed decisions about future handling of the file. Further, the initial evaluation lay the groundwork for aggressively pursuing the defense towards resolution through motion, settlement or trial.
As the case proceeds, our attorneys update the initial review to address changes or new developments that may arise in the course of litigation. At Keefe, Campbell, Biery & Associates, we believe litigation is a dynamic process that requires lawyers to be alert for changes in the facts and legal theories of the case.